Six On Saturday: Mid April, motoring along gently

First things first. Apologies. What with one thing and the other I did not get round to reading many SOS posts last week. I plan to do better this week. I did manage to be out in the garden for some of the fine weather and it was encouraging to see more and more plants making progress. The dead looking fuchsias are just showing signs of new growth from the base and more perennials are pushing through. This week the tulips took a bashing as the garden caught the edge of storm Noa on Wednesday and there have been cold winds and April showers galore. I cut back one of the winter damaged euphorbia melifera to the ground. Having spotted some very weak new growth on the second euphorbia I decided to leave the roots of both in the ground for a few more weeks to see if there is any real chance of recovery. The cistus does look very dead and I am readying myself to deal with that in the next week or two. Happily, there’s enough in the garden to keep the spirits up. Here’s this week’s six.


Undaunted by the chilly winds, more and more tulips are opening up. These are ‘Negrita’, soon to by joined by ‘Spring Green’ and possibly some ‘Ronaldo’ but I did dig a few of those up as I moved things around over Winter. Time will tell.


I really should have featured these last week, as they are a little past their best this week. These are the very pleasing flowers of epimedium x versicolor Sulpehurerum together with a hart’s tongue fern. I planted these up in a container to fill a shady corner and although the epimedium may need to be moved on as it establishing, so far the results are positive.


Note to self: Must add some more of these to the garden. I hear that leucojum ‘Gravetye Giant’ likes it wet so here is one plant that must be enjoying the weather.


The bleeding heart has made a another appearance in the garden. I worried for this as in its first year it was attacked by slugs and then unwittingly dug up by me as I relocated something else. I hope it has a good year this year and really gets its roots into the soil.


I may have to concede defeat on the pittosporum ‘Nanum’. It has lost more and more leaf and the stems seem to snap more than bend. It is looks even more dead now, backed as it is, by the striking green of the new growth of melica altissima ‘Alba’. The melica is clearly indestructible, it grows in a cold dark border and happily self seeds. The border may be just too cold for the pittosporum. I’m giving it a few more weeks to see if some steady warmth can help it into growth.


Iberis sempervirens. A solid plant for falling over the edge of walls. It looked a little scruffy after winter but it is in its stride again and brightened up this gloomy morning. I took a few cuttings when I was tidying it up and now have two more young plants to fit along the edges of this wall.

On the seedling front, I have germination from the Marigolds but everything else in the greenhouse is being a little reluctant to burst forth. Inside on the kitchen windowsill, the chillis continue to put on growth and have just been joined by some basil, tomato and cucumber seedlings. I planted out the ‘Charlotte’ second earlies and the onions in modules in the greenhouse are just about sending up shoots. It’s a cold unheated greenhouse so I have to be patient. Yes, a little more warmth would be welcome but I’m pleased to see the garden filling up again in spite of the weather. I’m off to Jim’s Cornish garden now to see what’s putting in an appearance this week and also to improve on my reading statistics from last week’s effort. Happy gardening to you all.

15 thoughts on “Six On Saturday: Mid April, motoring along gently

  1. I think the last rites are due for the Pittosporum, but don’t let me draw tears from you, see it as an opportunity. Your Bleeding Heart looks so delicate and beautiful and has forgiven you already for any injuries.

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  2. Looking at your Iberis sempervirens reminds me that I should relocate mine which is currently in my Belfast sink and not doing anywhere near as well. That Pittosporum does look ill, mine is fine, but my Erodium appears to have given up the ghost and my Penstemon ‘Garnet’ looks dead.


    • Yes, each visit to the garden seems to crystallise another loss. Some penstemons are in new growth but several look very dead. I inherited the iberis and I do enjoy its freshness at this time of year.


  3. I am so finding it tricky to keep up with Six on Saturday reading these days, I do love reading other gardeners’ blogs but hardly seem to find the time. Negrita is a tulip I was delighted to see reappear in a forgotten pot, the colour is wonderful. The leucojum is lovely too, so fresh looking.

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  4. Oh gee, that pittosporum really does look, . . . deceased. I know that they are tough, but not to hard frost. Leucojum is what we grow instead of snowdrop. We actually know it as snowdrop rather than snowflake.

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