Six On Saturday: February round up

I have a letter excusing my absence last week, it says I was on plant ordering duties. I am preparing for a new border and of course added in one or two plants for other areas in the garden that need an uplift. More to come on the new plants but this week is a contemplation of February. The garden was not a pretty sight. The weather was not good: one week of rain followed by a week of cold weather followed by a wet and windy week. These were not the conditions to lure one out into the garden. This week has been drier and warmer and when I did venture out there was plenty of damage to see. I think there will be losses and set backs but spring is on its way and that thought lifts the spirits.


A much loved pot that has been with me for many years now has a crackled look. It is home to some fabulous lilies. I could break the pot up and replant the lilies but first I am going to see if I can repair the damage with some milliput terracotta repair putty. Ever the optimist I think!


My first venture out the week after the cold weather was thwarted. I had planned to empty 2019’s leaf mould onto the raspberry beds but the contents of the bags were still frozen solid. I had to wait a few days but now the job is done and the soft fruit beds have also had a dusting of fish, bone and blood feed.


Two years ago when pruning the rose ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ I decided to plant some stems to see if they would take. Now why would I want more of this vigorous climber? Do I even have a suitable place for it? The cuttings were doing very well until the cold weather came, now the leaves have crisped up but the new shoots look good. If they survive a permanent place in the garden will be the reward.


The tête-à-tête daffodils are popping up thick and fast now. Even those in the shady and colder borders are being forthcoming. I was ruthless last year and streamlined the daffodils to tête-à-tête, pheasant’s eye and thalia. I have not missed the larger daffodils.


This beautiful group of crocus picks up the early morning sun in the front garden and were stunning on this particular morning. Note to self: must add more of these.


Pulmonaria, from a clump shared by a friend, dug up and divided many times since. There is always a little piece that remains in the original planting sight which doggedly sets off to clump up again.

I’ve also sown some tomato seeds which are for the greenhouse. The chilli seeds were poor germinators, two out of twelve! Four more were sown and two have come good. If I can keep four going that will be plenty. The rocket seeds in greenhouse are struggling along and other greenhouse autumn sowings are waking up. All is moving in the right direction.

I’m sure The Prop will be moving in the right direction too, he will be running, sowing or hosting the SOS threads. Take a look and if you would like to join in then explore the participant’s guide. Happy gardening.

20 thoughts on “Six On Saturday: February round up

  1. I have not heard of Milliput Epoxy Putty – seems like a good idea. Please let us see the results of your repairs. I have a broken terracotta pot that would be good to fix. Like you, I prefer the dwarf narcissi in my garden. I have a few taller ones which always get bent over, but one has the most sensational perfume – or should that be scentsational 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Goodness, I’d hate to lose that pot; it’s a gorgeous shape.

    A thought: Position it where you would like it to remain forever as a garden ornament, rather than as a pot to hold a plant, and fill it with cement! That should hold it together!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I used it some years ago and it has held well, It was a straight forward crack so not too difficult, not a work of art but then I’m not so precise. The colour match wasn’t too bad, so I think it’s worth a try. I suspect my old store of putty is past its best so new supply on order.


  3. Oh my! Frozen! That is so weird to see. (It will be nearly 70 degrees here today.) I have never experiences anything frozen like that. Birdbaths rarely get a thin layer of ice, but that is about all. It reminds me of those big chunks of frozen sewage that used to fall from airplanes and crash through roofs below.
    Are those Crocus tomasianum? In your garden, are Dutch crocus bigger than they are? Dutch crocus are so dinky here that if Crocus tomasianum were any dinkier, they would bloom right at ground level. I suspect that they would perform better with a bit more chill.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was cold here, the bird bath was frozen solid for several days. I did laugh when I read your sewage comment!. The crocus is indeed tommasinianus, it is ‘Ruby Giant’ billed at 4-6inches but i think more like 4inches so far.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I like the idea of just 3 daffodil types. Me too. I don’t have the big tall blowsy ones any more with stems that lasted until August! Love the crocus and best of all the pulmonaria. One of my favourites. So lovely.


  5. Yes literally stuck the prunings in the ground, it must have been in November 2019. And worse. I put them in a space that I needed in the allotment so come April 2020, when there was no sign of anything growing I pulled them and put them in another space. It was only last summer that they showed any new shoots and I honestly thought the winter would see them off but no the shoots are coming through. I have three, so the plan is to move one to see if it can cope with a spring move. I’ll have two reserves if not.


    • It’s so sad when a pot goes, especially when they are large and probably cost a great deal. I’m still waiting for the new putty to arrive. I will post an update with the result – good or bad!


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