Six On Saturday: The fourth week of February approaches

The fourth week of February is a significant week because this is the week I plan to sow some seeds.  Surely if I write this down I will do it?  The sap may be rising in the garden but my mojo is lagging behind.  I have had enough of howling winds and constant rain.  I have some gardening to be done as well as seeds to sow. There was some encouragement from the walk round today.  I can see the geraniums beginning to break through again, the camassias planted last year are coming along and I noticed the cowslips are in bud.   Last week’s primroses, pulmonarias and crocuses are still looking good and the hellebores continue to shine.  Here’s this week’s six.


Not one of my favourites but it a good indicator of the change of season.  That stalwart of front gardens, the forsythia has broken into flower.


I’ve added a number of hellebore niger to the garden this year and they have just got their flower heads up off the ground.  I have some lovely soft pink hellebores but these white ones can be seen from the windows, shining beacons of light in the eternal rain.


The annual splurge of euphorbia characias wulfenii is well under way.  Look carefully and you will see the ailing specimen of the four I have.  The regular downpours are not helping it in anyway and are completely destroying my artful symmetry.


The clematis armandii continues to pump out the flower buds and soon there will be flowers.  I’m looking forward to those.


I am training rosa Madame Alfred Carriere along the back fence and it was good to see these side shoots appearing this week.  More promise of things to come.


I’ve been lucky not to have suffered any real damage from the winds.  No shed roof blown off, no broken windows in the greenhouse.  The fir tree in the front garden has stood firm, only shedding a great quantity of cones and one or two twiggy bits which has given the otherwise grey space a certain rustic woodland charm.

The Phillip Larkin poem ‘Coming’ has been on my mind this week, so I will leave you with these thoughts:

A thrush sings, Laurel-surrounded In the deep bare garden, Its fresh-peeled voice        Astonishing the brickwork. It will be spring soon, It will be spring soon –

Time to get the Fish, Bone and Blood sprinkled around and don’t forget to check in with Mr P for more signs of spring and if you get the chance, enjoy your gardening.

16 thoughts on “Six On Saturday: The fourth week of February approaches

  1. what an odd fir. The cones look like those of a spruce of some sort. Do you happen to know what fir it is? Most that I met are North American firs, and except for the Douglas fir (which is an odd one), none are common here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve always thought of it as a Douglas Fir if only because the branches curve upwards. You would be horrified – the previous owners cut the top section off so it doesn’t have a lovely pointed section. I guess it was too big.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh my! No fir (or spruce) tolerates topping!
        Douglas fir cones are shorter, with distinctively lobed scales protruding past the primary scales. One of my old professors said that the narrow lobes look like the rear legs and tail of a dead rat. It sounds weird, but they really do.


  2. Your clematis is going to look fab in a week or so, all those buds! Mine died and I never even saw it flower 😥
    I am reminded that I was going to cut a rampant clematis montana ‘Marjorie’ down before it started growing, I have a huge beast with a thick trunk which is totally unmanageable. Probably too late now, I shall have to wait until it finishes flowering.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A splurge of spurge, how wonderful! Like others, I’m looking forward to seeing your clematis in flower. I hope the rain and wind have left by now and you get some nice sunny days.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Look at all those buds on the clematis! Very wow, there. That slender snaking Madame Al is very lovely as well. Look forward to seeing her in bloom later in the year.

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