Six On Saturday: revelations

My inspiration for this week’s six comes from a ‘conversation’ with a fellow sixer on how nice it is see the garden as a whole as well as the splendid photos of individual flowers. So here we go:


This is the western end of the north facing border.  I’ve been de-weeding it for about two years! It gets slightly more sun particularly at the right hand end where osteospermum flowers very happily in the summer.  Of course I haven’t managed to include that corner in this selection. But you can see the large healthy choisya on the right and the two tone unhealthy choisya on the left and the middle. Honestly, it is one plant.  When that’s flowered it’s going and this is where the wish list plants will go.  This week I added skimmia ‘Kew Green’ to that list.  In the middle I have planted the climbing rose ‘Souvenir du Docteur Jamain’.  I’m expecting great things as I need it to cover that fence fast.



This is the narrow border against the wall and the border where I was trying to squeeze in more tulips last November.  I did succeed in getting some ‘World Friendship’ in, these are the yellow ones but I have two pots full that didn’t make it into the ground.  The climbing roses are ‘Blush Noisette’ and ‘Scepter’d Isle’ is just coming up to fill in the gap in the wall.  I’ve decided I need a clematis here as well, but which one?  The verbena bonariensis also grows up against the wall here.



The short border that faces east.  This is a very wet border so the perfect place for cowslips, Siberian irises and the hydrangea ‘Blushing Bride’ which does need its annual prune.



I call this the hedge border.  The hedge of box, bay, eleaganus and viburnum marks the change to the veg plot behind.  It’s slightly north facing at one end but enjoys the afternoon sun at the other end.  The soil is very heavy clay here and the wonderful salvia ‘Amistad’ have not survived the winter.  They did make the perfect backdrop to the three r. ‘Darcy Bussell’ so I am tempted to plant them again and take cuttings for insurance.



The turf has been laid.  This is the top end of the south facing long border.  Previously shaded out by the large BBQ and the large laurel, I now have a planting opportunity for some sun lovers.  I may be in line for some crinum bulbs.  It’s not a plant I know but I’m told it likes the sun so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


Tulips of course.  These are the ones in pots.  The orange ones, unknown,  were dug up with the hydrangea plants and don’t seem to have minded too much about being disturbed.  The purple were featured last week and I can confirm, once and for all, that they are ‘Ronaldo’ planted alongside ‘Flaming Spring Green’  and the yellow behind them are ‘World Friendship’. Which is a good note to end on!

More world friendship is on offer at The Prop’s blog.  Enjoy your garden this weekend, don’t fret about the weeds and feed the roses!

21 thoughts on “Six On Saturday: revelations

  1. Fantastic looking borders and they’re not even in full swing yet. That new lawn makes me rather envious. Ours is a mess at the moment (North facing and has yet to get much sun). Those yellow tulips are lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I do rather like your walled borders. I have always lusted after a walled garden as they seem to hold the heat in. And so nice to see around your borders. Your Ronaldo tulips are a very different colour to mine! They do look nice planted with yellow and white/green viridiflora tulips.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very nice views of your borders and the peripheral wall adds an extra touch. My in-laws have a wall like this and they don’t exploit it as well as you: bravo. About the clematite I just bought one to climb on the arch next to the thujas that were dug up: it’s Clematis Madame Lecoultre (large white flowers)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m still not convinced by dahlias. I like them and have some in pots which I’m happy with but the few I have in the border just don’t feel right. Something to do with textures I think!! But as yet I’m a bit low on late summer colour so maybe….


  4. Cowslip are rad. They do not naturalize here of course. Garden varieties are known simply as English primrose to us, but are grown only as cool season annuals. My associate will be removing some soon to plant warm season annuals instead. I would like to plant some down near a spring to see what they do. They need water through summer here.

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